Leipzig Award










Selected Responses to the 2003 Leipzig Award for Andreas Heldal-Lund on May 18, 2003

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You are the wind that has helped me fly, and feel freedom, finally. There are not words to tell you how much your friendship and care has meant to me. Trapped inside a Cult for 30 years (mostly the last 10 were where I felt super trapped), having greatly woken up, I was still all alone and greatly needing a hand. I felt as if I was hanging off a cliff, when you offered me a hand. I know you say "Tory, you did it. I was just at the right place, at the right time" and that is true, in some ways.

However, had you not held out your hand to me, I very well may have turned off my computer, and never seen the light.

I thank you ....and I congratulate you, my friend, on this award so greatly desearved.

My greatest love to you....

Tory Christman
Aka: Magoo~dancing in the moonlight~

I left Scientology in 1999, after twenty-four years. When I was ready to make that break and ready, after all those years, to confront information that was critical of Scientology, I went online. One of the first things I had to confront was "Operation Clambake." I was searching for answers to the thousands of questions I was beginning to ask about Hubbard, about the organization, and about the "technology" that I had sworn allegiance to for the next billion years. www.xenu.net was a wonderful help to me then and it continues to be a key resource for my writing and research projects and for my defense against what I have come to realize is a very dangerous and diabolical cult. Thank you, Andreas, from the bottom of my heart, for all your work and for your courageous spirit.

OPERATION CLAMBAKE -- Keeping The Door Open For People Like Me.

Caroline Letkeman

Congratulations, Andreas. And thank you for maintaining the premier website for referring potential victims and even current Scn'ists to, in order to show what the "most ethical group on the planet" is really about.

Starshadow, USA

Well done, Andreas!

Roland Rashleigh-Berry, UK

Congratulations to you, Andreas! You are truly deserving of this award.

Mark Plummer, USA

Congratulations on awarding Your Prize to Andreas Heldal -Lund. Really good news!

Lady Daphne Vane

A highly appropiate and long overdue public recognition ... for all victims of the Church of Scientology.

Graham Berry, USA

A wonderful choice!

Jeff Jacobsen, USA

There is nobody who deserves this award more. Andreas has tirelessly exposed the ... cult of Scientology.

Keith Henson, Canada

Dear Andreas,
you deserve this award but also the award for being the most kind and honest help to people who wants to face truth and freedom. Thank you for all you have done for me and many others.

Birgitta Harrington, Sweden

Z & I hope to share another bottle of champagne with you after you have recieved the award

Karin Spaink

The courage to publically speak out and hold your ground for the cause of freedom of thought and belief takes a special strength...




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